Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kitten Spa Day

When I get a new foster kitten I like to do what I call "Kitten Spa Day." Depending on their situation I sometimes wait a day or two so they can get adjusted because it could be a little stressful for the kitty. Basically I get them all nice and clean and fluffy like a brand-new adorable kitten. Sometimes it doesn't take that much but I've had a couple kittens that liked to get pretty gross. 

First I give the kitty a nice warm bath. I've used a couple kitten shampoos but my favorite thing to do is Dawn Dish Soap. Seriously it's awesome. It can help with fleas (it makes their outer shell weaker making them easier to kill and then they just wash away) and it gets them squeaky clean while being gentle. (Don't use this as your only defense against those pesky fleas though!-- I'll discuss preventatives in an upcoming post!)

While getting them nice and dry I do a nail trim. Some people are really intimidated when it comes to cutting nails. It's not that tricky if you know what you are doing. Make sure to get a good pair of trimmers. You can use "human" nail clippers on kittens but it works better if you get ones designed for kittens, I like using the ones that are like scissors. 
This pair is $4.99 at PetSmart
When it comes to cutting nails the key is to know where to cut. What you want to avoid is the blood supply of the nail which is called the "quick". This is what makes people really nervous because if you cut it the nail will bleed, but it's not the end of the world if you accidentally cut the quick (I have done it multiple times--usually due to squirmy kittens!). There is a product called quick-stop that helps clot the blood and stop the bleeding. Here is a good image to show you where to cut to avoid the quick. 
You can see a difference in color where the quick is 

After trimming the nails I check to see if the ears need cleaned. If they aren't dirty I leave them alone but some kittens can get some gross ears so I like to clean them out of they are bad. Make sure to get pet ear cleaning solution-- you can get this at any pet store or in the pet aisle of most grocery or convenience stores. You start by squirting a good amount of solution into the ear and them massage it at the base of the ear. WARNING: The kitten will probably shake its head and get ear solution all over you-- be prepared! Then you can use cotton balls to clean out the external ear canal. DO NOT use q-tips into the ear unless you are comfortable with the anatomy of the ear and have experience with it. 

Once the kitten is all dried off I then give him/her a quick brush and they're all set!

Before and After 
Like I said I do all of this at least once after I get a brand new kitten. I've had some kittens that are super messy and like to make me bathe them every day (*Cough* Mickey!) There are some other products I have that I like that are good for quick fixes for a slightly messy kittens. 

If a kitten has diarrhea that gets stuck to it's bum baby wipes work wonderfully! I also have a waterless bath spray that works really well to freshen up a stinky kitten quickly. 

So that's what I use for "Kitten Spa Day," if you have any tips, recommendations, or products you like to use please share!

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