Today is world rabies day, so what else would I post about other than rabies!
What is rabies? Rabies is this awful virus that can infect warm-blooded animals, we mostly hear about it in raccoons, skunks, and bats, but any animal can become infected--including humans! Rabies is a deadly disease that is transmitted through bites (or saliva getting into an open wound). It travels to the brain and causing clinical signs associated with 3 stages. the Prodromal stage is first and includes signs such as behavior changes, dementia, restlessness, "fly biting", and random vocalization. The next stage is the Furious stage which includes signs like excitability and seemingly uncontrolled tendency to bite or eat anything. The last stage is the Paralytic stage which shows signs like seizures and paralysis starting at the back legs and making its way up the body-- once the respiratory muscles are paralyzed the animal cannot breath and they die.
Sooo, rabies sucks and this is why vaccinating for rabies is super important, in fact its the law. So find out what your state law and veterinarian requires for vaccine protocols and get your pets vaccinated!!
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