Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cat Toy Tuesday #1

It's Cat Toy Tuesday! That means every Tuesday I will write a post highlighting a cat toy that I (and my foster kittens) find super awesome! 

Today's Cat Toy is "The Cheese"

All of my foster kitten's have loved the cheese. I originally got it for Merlin because he loves to eat cheese so I thought that was cute. He likes to sit on top of it but unfortunately he can't squeeze himself inside of it (maybe too much cheese?!). One of Merlin's and the kitten's favorite game to play with the cheese is "wack-a-kitten." The kittens will go inside of the cheese and Merlin will sit on top and bop them on  the head as they poke their heads through. Everyone has a great time with it. 
Tiger Lily and Olive loved the cheese toy so much that their new parents (my parents) bought them their very own!
Here's Tiger Lily playing with the cheese when I was still fostering her-- she was so tiny!

Minnie loved the cheese, too!

Merlin is looking for some kittens to wack!
The cheese has little mice hanging inside of it, too!

I got the cheese at Meijer for $24.99. I definitely recommend the cheese (or a toy similar to the cheese)! 

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