Friday, August 29, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Fostering kittens is wonderful. There are few things better than the joy you get from watching kittens play and explore the world around them. However there is one downside to fostering kittens- saying goodbye. It is so tough because the purpose and the goal of fostering is to reach that goodbye. It means the kittens are now ready to be spayed/neutered and find their forever home. But it's also sad because it's tough leaving an animal that you practically raised. The worst part is that you can't explain to them what is going on. Every time I leave a foster kitten I can't help but feel like they think I am abandoning them. The best way I have found to get through this is to keep in mind that you truly bettered their lives and need to send them back in order to better the lives of other kittens. 

Saying goodbye to Mickey and Minnie yesterday was honestly painful. I'm not a crier and I will admit that I cried a lot last night. I even seriously considered adopting Mickey (would've been my first foster fail!) But I had to remember the bigger picture. Minnie and Mickey are adorable and they will get adopted. They needed me for the the first two months of their lives, but they no longer need me. With the size of my apartment I would not be able to continue fostering if I adopted Mickey. And that's just not fair to the kittens who do need me. It was a tough decision. 

Say no to that face- I dare  you!

I don't expect saying goodbye will ever get easier. It's impossible not to get attached to some degree, it's just inevitable. All I can recommend is that you let yourself take time to miss them and just remember the ultimate goal- saving and bettering the lives of lots of kittens! 

Stay strong foster parents! 

Goodbye Minnie and Mickey! Hello New Foster Kittens!

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