Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cat Toy Tuesday #1

It's Cat Toy Tuesday! That means every Tuesday I will write a post highlighting a cat toy that I (and my foster kittens) find super awesome! 

Today's Cat Toy is "The Cheese"

All of my foster kitten's have loved the cheese. I originally got it for Merlin because he loves to eat cheese so I thought that was cute. He likes to sit on top of it but unfortunately he can't squeeze himself inside of it (maybe too much cheese?!). One of Merlin's and the kitten's favorite game to play with the cheese is "wack-a-kitten." The kittens will go inside of the cheese and Merlin will sit on top and bop them on  the head as they poke their heads through. Everyone has a great time with it. 
Tiger Lily and Olive loved the cheese toy so much that their new parents (my parents) bought them their very own!
Here's Tiger Lily playing with the cheese when I was still fostering her-- she was so tiny!

Minnie loved the cheese, too!

Merlin is looking for some kittens to wack!
The cheese has little mice hanging inside of it, too!

I got the cheese at Meijer for $24.99. I definitely recommend the cheese (or a toy similar to the cheese)! 

Momma Merlin

This post is less about my foster kittens and more about my rescue cat Merlin. Merlin is a one-of-a-kind cat. And I'm not being biased here I know a lot of people would agree on this! A lot of people comment on how incredible it is that he is so sweet and gentle with my foster kittens simply because he is an adult male cat that has only been an "only child". I couldn't agree more, but I think it's even more impressive if you know Merlin's whole story. Which I will tell here (I will keep it brief, I know I could go on, and on, and on, and on...) 

On May 21, 2012 I entered the Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control to look at cats. I knew I wanted to adopt a cat that summer- I would be moving into my first apartment at school in the Fall and wanted my own cat for a room mate. But I wasn't particularly looking to adopt that day. Well I wandered around the free-roaming cat room and met lots of cats but none that I was really drawn to. Then when I entered the third room the worker turned to me and said "be careful of that gray one." And that's when I met Merlin. He seemed to be drawn right to me and I was to him. It was a match made in heaven. I learned that he had been found abandoned. I was shocked wondering who would ever abandon such a sweet, handsome boy?! I put him on hold that day and went in the next day to officially adopt him.

Merlin the day I brought him home!
Now this is going to sound bad, but after some time with him and now looking back on our journey together, and the experience I have hearing reasons why some people surrender their pets, I have a feeling I know exactly why Merlin was abandoned. Aside from Merlin's messy gastrointestinal issues (got that worked out with a lifelong probiotic) and multiple bouts of idiopathic cystitis, he had a lot of behavioral issues. I will spare you the details of the year I spent getting bitten and scratched and attacked by Merlin every time I tried to leave a room--but it was bad. And I am telling you I tried everything during that year. All kinds of behavior modification strategies I had learned for behavior lessons at school (I'm a vet tech major) and from Jackson Galaxy on My Cat From Hell (He's awesome check it out!!). I even used Feliway plug-ins and spray which worked to an extent but didn't completely "fix" him. (Feliway is a product that uses cat pheromones to help with behavioral issues. I've heard of a lot of people that have had success with it, and I really do think it helped Merlin to an extent). But alas he was still having his "episodes" and "attacks." 

So a quick description of what I mean by "attacks" or "episodes." Merlin would get worked up by something, it usually involved me leaving him (going to class, closing the bathroom door to shower, going across the hall to do a load of laundry, etc.) but sometimes it was just something that got him worked up (kids outside the window messing with him, a sound outside, etc.). He would do the typical upset cat signs-- ears back, eyes big, and then pounce. He'd usually get to my ankles/feet but sometimes it was arms or even face. At this point there was no calming him down. He would get himself so worked up that he couldn't stop. It was really sad to me because I didn't see anger or hate in his eyes, I saw fear. The only way to calm him down was to put him in his kennel (I had a small dog kennel for him with a blanket and some of his favorite toys). Eventually he would settle down and I would let him out and he'd go back to being the best kitty ever. 

So finally September of 2013 I decided to make him an appointment with the pet behaviorist at Purdue (where I go to school). Basically, he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and separation anxiety. I got a lot of tips and ideas for behavior modification and he was prescribed Prozac (yes it works for dogs and cats too). The Prozac helped tremendously! By the holidays my family noticed he was a "different cat." He would still have the "episodes" but they weren't nearly as often. I would also be able to get him settled down after an "attack" by talking to him and giving him his favorite toy to wrestle instead. He was still needing to take some acepromazine (a tranquilizer) in order to travel in the car (Otherwise he would get himself too worked up and start panting and once he cut his gums trying to chew out of the carrier.) 

Now to when I started fostering. As you can imagine I was a little worried about how he would react. We just had a big move to Indy which Merlin didn't handle well (he was very stressed even with his drugs). But I figured I would give it a shot- worse case I would have to bring the kittens back and not foster. Well as soon as I brought home my first litter Merlin stepped into his role as Momma Merlin. He never once hissed or tried to hurt them. He never got upset with me or acted out. In fact he became a better cat. Since I brought home the first litter of kittens Merlin's "episodes" dropped dramatically. He went several weeks without even nipping at me (it was a record!) Fostering kittens may very well be the best thing I could have done for Merlin. He was so sweet with them, he would even wait by the kitten's kennel for me to open it so he could play with them. The most incredible thing was the day I moved from Indy. I decided to try not drugging Merlin before the car ride- we had two trips to make that weekend- one from Indy to Lafayette (1 hour) and then from Lafayette to Fort Wayne (a little over 2 hours) and I didn't want to drug him 2 days in a row. So, Merlin was in one carrier and the foster kittens (Minnie and Mickey) were in another. Merlin slept peacefully the whole time!  I couldn't believe it! 

So now this is why I have come to the conclusion that I have to foster kittens forever. How can I deny not only helping kittens in need but my own cat as well! 

So that's the story of why Merlin is a truly special cat. Our journey together was not easy but it was so worth it. Every cat is worth itSorry it was a long post-- but i promise that was the condensed version of the story-- I could talk about Merlin forever! 

If you have any questions or want tips on dealing with an anxious cat like Merlin feel free to ask. I have some experience and don't mind sharing what I've learned! 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Smelly Kittens

Let's face it, while adorable and fun kittens can be smelly. That stinky diarrhea they get when they have worms, yeah not so cute. So when I moved back into my tiny apartment at school (I started fostering while living in Indy for my externship at HSI and my apartment was a lot bigger) I was concerned. How could I possibly keep the smell of kittens from filling my apartment? Well just the other day I had a friend over. We had been in class all day so I had no idea what I would come home to with the kittens alone. The second we walked in she exclaimed "It smells so...GOOD in here!" So I figure I must be doing something right! So here are some of my tips for keeping the odor away. 

My favorite product is the Pet Odor Exterminator (Plus it makes me feel like a Dalek saying it-- Doctor Who Reference anyone?!). It's a pet specialty product that some vet offices sell but you can also find it online. I love it! It doesn't just cover the smell but it eliminates it! It comes in all kinds of awesome scents and they also make candles! 
Clothesline is the scent I like to get- it smells so clean and fresh!

I also have a ton of air fresheners! Renuz-it has some awesome gel air fresheners that I like to place near the kennel.  
So many scents!
I also use the plug-in Wallflowers from Bath and Body Works. The plug-ins come in lots of adorable designs and you can choose from lots of awesome scents. I have one in each room of my apartment. 
There's always good deals on them!
When I thoroughly clean my kitten's kennel (which I do at least weekly- more if they make lots of messes) this is what I use--
First I shake out the towel, blankets, and mat into the kennel tray and vacuum out all of  the litter and food left in there. Then I spray and wipe down the tray of the kennel, the litter box, and the litter box mat with Clorox Cleaner & Bleach. 

Speaking of litter, I find that the type of litter you use makes a huge difference with odor control. I love the Fresh Step Crystals. It's a little more expensive but I think its totally worth it. I used it for Sophie and I use it for Merlin. I tried using cheaper litter for my foster kittens but ended up going back to the crystals. It really hides the smell and it's also a lot easier to clean up than some other litters. 

Okay so I might be slightly obsessed with my vacuum. It has a febreze filter so it leaves the carpet smelling nice and fresh! Speaking of febreze I spray it everywhere. The carpet, rug, furniture, its wonderful. They have a pet odor one that really works well. 
Fabric Refresher: Pet Odor Eliminator

Then there's the lovely carpet stains. There's always one foster that throws up on the carpet, or tracks around diarrhea, wet food, you name it. I rely on my resolve carpet cleaner for this! It really works. It's taken care of all the kitten messes (its even taken care of large amounts of dog pee and black nail polish).

So those are the cleaning and air freshening products I really like. I would love to hear other recommendations, I am always looking for ways to improve! 

Kitten Playground

The second anyone walks into my apartment it is obvious I have kittens. My living room is often referred to as the "Kitten Playground." I often say the apartment really belongs to them and Merlin and I just pay the rent. Now, I know it can be hard to imagine your home overrun by cat toys, but it's really not that bad. If I can do it in my tiny 450 sq ft apartment anyone can!

I have a couple bigger toys in "kitten playground" that are typically always there and then a toy box with smaller toys.

 I have collected lots of toys through hand-me-downs from my own cat (I spoil him with toys that he never ends up playing with), my parents kittens, and cheap toys I find while shopping (more detail about those on Cat Toy Tuesdays!). I have even used boxes from packages I receive (those are sometimes their favorite). 
The key to toys and a kitten playground is to rotate toys and change it up! Kittens love to explore and play with new things. It keeps them interested and thinking. I like to have toys that get them to climb and jump, too. But the biggest thing i recommend is lots and lots of scratchers. One of the biggest complaints in kittens is scratching carpet and furniture. I provide my kittens with lots of scratching options. A variety of  horizontal and vertical scratchers and different textures is key. I have had a lot of success with kittens using scratchers instead of the carpet and furniture. 

So have fun with creating a kitten playground! I love finding new things and new ways of designing mine. Just remember to keep a good variety!

The Kitten Condo

When I am away I keep my kittens in a 42 inch kennel. Here are some ideas and tips I use for setting up their kennel... 

Spoiler Alert- Finished Product!
First I lay down a bath towel. I get my towels from Walmart- only about $3 each. They have all kinds of colors (I like to use bright happy colors!) and they hold up well in the wash. 

In the back I have their sleeping area. I have a cat bed from I got from Walgreens (about $13) and I put a comfy fleece blanket on top. My favorite blankets for this are Serta brand from Walmart ($4.99). They're really soft and stay soft after washing. 
 I also have a little kitty hut (I call it their hobbit hole) that I will put in the back for their bed too. I've had some kittens that don't like sleeping inside the hut so I use the bed for them instead.

Welcome to the Hobbit Hole!
Finished Product with the Hobbit Hole

 I always put some "cuddle toys" in the bed with them. I found some adorable Martha Stewert dog toys from PetSmart for only $1 with PetPerks card. All of my foster kittens have loved cuddling with them. I can even wash them with their blankets and towels!

Aren't  they cute!

Then I put a couple toys on the floor in the middle of the kennel. This is their mini play area while in the kennel. I use soft toys that don't make noise (kittens like to play in the middle of the night!). I also have a scratching post that hangs on the side of the kennel and a couple toys hanging off the top and side of the kennel (you can add a string to any toy and tie to the bars). 

Love this scratcher! Just uses twistie ties to hang on the side of the kennel!

At the very front of the kennel is the potty and eating station. I have a litter mat down in the front of the kennel (Arm & Hammer litter mat from Walmart-- its awesome at trapping litter!) with their litter box. I just use a cheap litter box and put a liner in it with litter. I always used a liner-- it makes cleanup so much easier!
 Next to it is a food mat with their water and food dishes. I like to have 2 water bowls and 2 food dishes (If I have at least 2 kittens). I found one bowl that actually attaches to the side of the kennel (Petco). 

Food and Potty Station!

So that's basically how I set up my kitten condo. I'd love to hear other ideas and tips for the perfect kennel! I'm still new at this so I definitely welcome advice! 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Fostering kittens is wonderful. There are few things better than the joy you get from watching kittens play and explore the world around them. However there is one downside to fostering kittens- saying goodbye. It is so tough because the purpose and the goal of fostering is to reach that goodbye. It means the kittens are now ready to be spayed/neutered and find their forever home. But it's also sad because it's tough leaving an animal that you practically raised. The worst part is that you can't explain to them what is going on. Every time I leave a foster kitten I can't help but feel like they think I am abandoning them. The best way I have found to get through this is to keep in mind that you truly bettered their lives and need to send them back in order to better the lives of other kittens. 

Saying goodbye to Mickey and Minnie yesterday was honestly painful. I'm not a crier and I will admit that I cried a lot last night. I even seriously considered adopting Mickey (would've been my first foster fail!) But I had to remember the bigger picture. Minnie and Mickey are adorable and they will get adopted. They needed me for the the first two months of their lives, but they no longer need me. With the size of my apartment I would not be able to continue fostering if I adopted Mickey. And that's just not fair to the kittens who do need me. It was a tough decision. 

Say no to that face- I dare  you!

I don't expect saying goodbye will ever get easier. It's impossible not to get attached to some degree, it's just inevitable. All I can recommend is that you let yourself take time to miss them and just remember the ultimate goal- saving and bettering the lives of lots of kittens! 

Stay strong foster parents! 

Goodbye Minnie and Mickey! Hello New Foster Kittens!

My First Post..

Okay so basically I hate introductions and talking about myself so instead I will talk about cats, because who doesn't love talking about cats! 

 My very first cat was named Sophie. My family adopted her about 11 years ago. She was 7 when we adopted her and was my very best friend. She is a big part of why I have such a strong love for cats. She passed away in May 2014 but will always be in my heart. 
RIP Sophie

I currently have one kitty of my own he's a 3 years old long haired VERY HANDSOME boy named Merlin. He is the best cat ever (okay I may be slightly biased)! But he is so good with my foster kittens- he sometimes goes by "Momma Merlin" because of how nurturing he is with the babies. 
Merlin is not your typical cat, he doesn't mind wearing this hat!

I started fostering kittens in May of 2014 and fell in love with it. I foster for the Humane Society of Indianapolis. This blog is going to be centered around my foster kittens, products I use for the kittens, and tips and thoughts of fostering. 

Now I have to share adorable pictures of all of my past foster kittens! 
First was a litter of 3 kittens. They were 1 month old when I got them. Two of them have been adopted by my parents and one of them was adopted from the shelter! 
From Left To Right: Sherlock, Tiger Lily (now with my parents), Olive (now with my parents)

I fostered these three bottle babies just for a couple days while their foster parents were away. 
How cute are they?!

These two babies came in separately but were both alone so I took them together. They became best friends! I got them at just a couple weeks old and just sent them off to get adopted yesterday! (I'll make a post later about the emotional sendoff)
Minnie and Mickey
And now I have a brother and sister. They are 2 months old (the typical age for spaying and neutering at HSI) but need a little extra care and love before they are ready to become adopted. 
Hazel (Left) and Gus (Right)

Phew! So that's all the kittens I have had so far.

I promise the rest of my posts won't be this long, but I had to share pictures of all my cute babies! I'm new to this whole blogging thing so bear with me while I get the hang of it. 

Until next time!