Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year=More Blogging

I'm back! Sorry for the long hiatus, with the holidays and moving I have been super busy! But now I am all settled into my new place and ready to get back on track! The plan is to have new posts Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays will continue to be Cat Toy Tuesday (and other types of cat products) while Thursday will focus on a variety of topics. I am excited to get back into blogging and hope you all enjoy! 

If you have any reccomendations of topics you'd like me to post about or any awesome toys you recommend please comment on here or Instagram/Facebook!

So Today's Cat Toy Tuesday isn't so much just one toy. Some of you may not know I just moved to Indianapolis at the begining of the year to start my job at the Humane Society of Indianapolis (I still have one more semester of school left and am commuting once a week for classes on campus- the rest are online). So when looking at apartments it was super important for me to have a extra room for-you guessed it- KITTENS! So the apartment I have is super awesome and has a loft that I have turned into Kitten Playground! 

I made this sign that is now hanging at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Kitten Playground!

Panoramic View! Hard to tell but all the pictures on the back wall are of all my former foster kittens!

I love having a separate room to keep all things kitten! There is space for multiple kennels and of course tons of toys! I love that I can let kittens out to play more often and not have to worry about them getting into stuff they shouldn't. Being a loft as opposed to a closed off room I had to do some kitten-proofing. One of the walls is actually a 1/2 wall and looks down to the stairs. As you can imagine this could be dangerous if kittens get curious and decide to jump onto the ledge. So I (with help from my awesome mom) came up with an idea to seal it off. It's pretty simple- we just got some fabric and nailed it to the ceiling and the wall- and voila no tempting ledge to kittens to jump onto. Another problem was that there is no door. Currently I am using a tall pet gate to block off the stairs when kittens are out. Eventually I plan to install a more permanant gate/door. 

Kitten Playground also doubles as my office! You can see the fabric "wall" behind my desk
There's also a 1/2 bath and big storage closet attached which is super handy! I love the storage closet, it has lots of space for all my extra kennels and other supplies. 

I got an awesome storage shelf for in the closet for all my kitten supplies!

For all of you wondering about Merlin- don't you worry! He is loving his new home, in fact he has his own "room!" Check out Merlin's Man Cave located under the stairs!

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