Thursday, January 15, 2015

Keeping Pets Warm in Cold Weather

It has been ridiculous kinds of cold here in Indiana. When it gets this cold out I can't help but think of all the homeless animals, ferals, and pets that are stuck outside. So if you have outdoor pets or a feral colony here are some tips for keeping them warm: 

Bring Them Inside!!- I know this doesn't work for feral animals but if you have a pet that spends time most of it's time outside please consider bringing them inside your house when it is this cold. You may think its cruel to keep them inside because they love being outside but trust me, in this weather  they're better off inside. 

Insulated Shelter- If bringing an animal inside is not an option please give them a warm shelter they can stay in. This could be a warm/heated barn or garage or simply take a box and insulate it with another layer and  straw (picture below). 
Cat Shelters using plastic totes with one of two insulators, a second tote inside or pieces of insulation. Using styrofoam coolers is an easy alternative to either of these two options.
This design uses 2 thick storage boxes and straw. You can also use a syrofoam cooler or insulation instead of an inner storage box. 
Heated Water Bowls- If you have animals outside that you are feeding please get a heated water bowl for their water. In cold temperatures the water in regular bowls will freeze and the animals will not be able to drink. Severe dehydration is fatal so it is crucial they get their water!
Heated Blankets/Mats/Anything- A good addition to the insulated shelter is heated blankets or mats. This can give them an extra warm place to sleep and stay safe and comfortable. 

So when you are inside snuggled up in a blanket with your hot chocolate don't forget about the animals suffering in this cold weather, too.
Tip: dogs and cats make excellent cuddles buddies when it's cold!  

***Don't forget- your car can seem like a warm shelter to outdoor animals. Before starting your car check for any sleeping kitties! Also make some noise- bang on the hood of the car- to encourage them to get out. Turning your car on with kitties using it as shelter is deadly to them. 

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