Saturday, October 25, 2014

Killian Update

As promised I am going to give an update on Killian! 

Killian has become a very different cat! After lots of good food and extra love, a checkup from the vet, and a medication change, Killian is now a healthy spunky kitty! He's still a little nervous but he is now coming out of his kennel and playing all over Kitten Playground! He and Merlin are also becoming friends! His foot is looking much better and he is no longer congested and blowing snot bubbles! 

Here is Killian the first time he ventured out of his kennel on his own!

Killian and Merlin are buddies!

I've really enjoyed having Killian and I can't wait to see him continue to improve. I'm not going to lie, "foster failing" is definitely in the back of my mind. He is a very special kitty and fits the description of "special needs." The challenge is that with where I am living right now I cannot adopt another cat and continue to foster. As much as a love this little man and as special as he is, it's a difficult decision. There are always more kittens that need my help. I just hope that despite his struggles he will be able to find a good home as soon as he gets all better. 

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