Saturday, October 11, 2014

DIY for Kittens #1!

There are some really cool cat toys and products out there, but they can be pretty pricey. So I've decided that once a month I am going to do a post about a DIY cat toy/product and I am even going to make it myself. 
If you know me you know I'm not the most handy person there is. I don't do well with scissors, knives, hammers, lighters, basically anything that could potentially cause harm. So, if I can complete these DIY projects you can too!

A couple weeks ago I did a Cat Toy Tuesday post about a cat puzzle. That toy is a huge hit and all cats (even Merlin) seem to enjoy it. So I found a DIY cat puzzle project that I decided to try!

Here is what you need:
Tupperware Container with a Lid 
Sharp Knife
Something to trace circles with (unless you're really good at making circles)

1. Take the lid off the container and trace circles on it where you plan to cut holes out. You can do different sizes or all the same
2. Take your knife and cut out the holes 

3. Use the lighter to smooth out the edges of the circles (don't want to hurt kitty paws)
4. Put toys in the container, put the lid back on, and watch them play!

I'm on fall break this weekend and am home visiting my family and my former foster kittens Tiger Lily and Olive. They were very willing to be the first to test out my new puzzle toy....

They definitely seem to approve!

Next month I will do another DIY project. Depending on how many ideas I come up with and how much time I have I many switch to every other week. Feel free to share any DIY projects you've tried for your cats or think I should try!

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