Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'm Back!

I have emerged from my cave of studying!! First of all I passed by VTNE *wootwoot*. So once it's all offical I will be an RVT! 

But to more exciting news and why you are here in the first place, I have a new foster kitten! If you follow me on Instagram you have already seen my adorable new baby! His name is Stevie (previouslyHammy). He is a sweet little ball of fur and just happens to be blind. One eye is completely ruptured and the other has severe scarring over it making him unable to see anything but light through it. Once is big and strong he will have surgery to have both eyes removed. This may seem extreme but not only are the eyes not functional, keeping them can serve as a risk for furture infections and problems. Plus I'm sure it's not very comfortable for him. When I first got him he was a terrifed little thing (can't blame him) but he's now a typical crazy kitten! You wouldn't even know he was blind when watching him play!

Meet Stevie!

Merlin is such a good momma!
Don't panic! I still have Mr. Killian. He isn't quite ready for a forever home with his bad attitude! The little man was definitely feral in his past life. But he is improving! He is great with me, Merlin, and his new little brother Stevie! He is still hesitiant and scared around new people but that is improving with time.

Here's Killian and a Sneak Peak of my new kennel! It will be featured on the next Cat Toy Tuesday!

On Tuesday my kitten crew and I are heading home for Thanksgiving. So stay tuned for some special posts about keeping your pets/fosters safe over the holidays! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on passing your VTNE! Looking forward to seeing you and your crew this week.
